Hello everyone! Long time, no post.
That's because we've been busy working on our new website. That's right, we've graduated from a simple blog to a full-fledged website, full of all the bells and whistles you expect. Well, it will be. It's still under construction, but it is in working order.
What's more, the new site will contain a much larger variety of content. We are expanding our focus. We will still have all the great Photoshop content you know and love, but we will also be including things about Animate, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Adobe Mobile apps, and just lots of Creative Cloud stuff in general. We will also step outside the Adobe sandbox from time to time to discuss things like Blender and the occasional pop culture event. Additionally, we hope to be able to include articles and commentary as well as tutorials.
With that said, we will no longer be hosting new content on Blogspot. From now on, please point your browser to Saberune Graphics and bookmark it. All new content will be hosted there. And don't worry! All of our tutorials will always be 100% free, so no registering, or joining mailing lists, or any of that other shifty nonsense.
Thank you for using my tutorials through the years. I look forward to many more.
Will Mahan
Saberune Graphics